
Saturday, March 07, 2015

Sunday Snippets--A Catholic Carnival

Hello, and welcome to Sunday Snippets--A Catholic Carnival. We are a group of Catholic bloggers who gather weekly to share our best posts with each other. To participate, go to your blog and create a post titled Sunday Snippets--A Catholic Carnival. In it, discuss and link to your posts for  the week--whether they deal with theology, Catholic living or cute Catholic kids. I'm mostly a book blogger so my posts are generally book reviews, some Catholic, some not. Make sure that post links back here. Once you publish it, come back here and leave a link below.

We also have a yahoogroup; signing up for it will get you one weekly reminder to post. Click here to sign up.  

Well, I'm kind of back in the blogging groove.  I reviewed two books this week.  One is called Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving; the other is a romance.  I also introduced my new blog and invite you to follow it.  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for hosting, RAnn! This week, I have exciting news about the parents of my Patron Saint, a post about a magnet I ordered for my collection, and, of course, my book list.
