Friday, January 23, 2009

Review: The Spring of Candy Apples

The Spring of Candy Apples is the fourth of the Sweet Seasons novels by Debbie Viguie. The main character in all of them is Candance a/k/a Candy, a high school student who works part-time at a local amusement park. Each of stories focuses on a different season of the year in which the park is open. You can read my review of Winter of the Candy Canes by clicking the link. My review of Spring of the Candy Apples wouldn't be significantly different--same characters, same park, different season, different lesson.

One thing I liked about the book is that it looked at teenage relationships. Candy realizes the difference between attraction and love, and learns that a guy who really loves you brings out the best in you and encourages you to grow, without putting you down. It is a lesson I sure wish I had learned a lot earlier in life.

My daughter was enjoying Winter of the Candy Canes before the Twilight books she got for Christmas interfered. I'll add this one to her tbr stack.

1 comment:

  1. Good job. Here's my review:


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