While perusing the bargain rack at my local used paperback store Amazing Gracie
caught my eye. It is a sweet romance about Gracie, a hotel executive and workaholic who quits her job because she has a different vision for the luxury hotel than does her new boss. She goes to a small town in Virginia, a place she had vacationed with her family once, as a child. She realizes that she has no one who is important to her--no family, no close friends.
While there she falls in love with an old-fashioned Victorian house, which she decides to turn into a bed-and-breakfast. The only problem is that the property manager, Kevin, won't tell her who owns it (he does) but they start spending time together. Guess what happens?
The book has subplots about Kevin's cousins and Gracie's ex-boss but I can't say there was ever any real tension in the book or any doubt about the ending. I really liked Kevin's aunt, who used to own the house. All in all, I'd characterize the writing style as somewhere between fair and good and the book as a happy fluffy read. Grade: B-
happy and fluffy make for good reading