Saturday, July 06, 2013

Sunday Snippets--A Catholic Carnival

Hello, and welcome to Sunday Snippets--A Catholic Carnival. We are a group of Catholic bloggers who gather weekly to share our best posts with each other. To participate, go to your blog and create a post titled Sunday Snippets--A Catholic Carnival. In it, discuss and link to your posts for the week--whether they deal with theology, Catholic living or cute Catholic kids. I'm mostly a book blogger so my posts are generally book reviews, some Catholic, some not. Make sure that post links back here; some folks are forgetting that! Once you publish it, come back here and leave a link below.

We also have a yahoogroup; signing up for it will get you one weekly reminder to post.  Click here to sign up.

Hope everyone had a great Fourth of July.  Things were pretty low-key here, which I'm fine with.  It gave me time to read.  I read and reviewed Sunset Bridge which is general market women's fiction/romance.  I made a yummy dessert for July 4.  I reviewed Called to Serve which is about American nuns.


  1. Thanks for hosting, RAnn!
    This week, I have a prayer request, a disturbing article about a little girl being made to hold up a pro-abortion sign with a vulgar word on it, two posts about the upcoming canonizations of Popes John XXIII and John Paul II (one from Cardinal Timothy Dolan's blog, and one I wrote myself), the latest additions to my Rosary Art and Collects collections,
    and, of course, my usual book list.

  2. Thank you RAnn for hosting once again. Just passing on some things of interest this week.

  3. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Thank you RAnn for hosting. My posts this week are:
    The Crushed Revives the Spirit and Heart
    The Prophecies of Pope Paul VI and the Washington Post
    Why Me, Lord?
    God Bless,

  4. Thank you, RAnn, for inviting me to share my posts with your readers. It has been quite some time since I've been here to add my link, and I am grateful for your patience! May Almighty God bless you and your loved ones.

  5. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Have a blessed to you all.


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