Thursday, November 27, 2014

Seven Quick Takes: Thankfulness

I have so much to be thankful for in my life.  First of all I am thankful that my God loves me and sent Jesus into this world for me and others.

I am blessed with a beautiful family.  My husband and I both have jobs that we (usually) enjoy and which allow us to comfortably support our family.  My son has had his first real job for about three months now, and things seem to be going fine.  My girls are doing well in school with no major problems.  I know how fortunate we are.
I am thankful that I just won the Catholic Book Blogger's Mega Advent Giveaway.  If you like reviews of Catholic books, you'll have to subcribe to my blog; it appears I will have a lot of them next year.
I'm thankful for my family of origin.  My Dad passed away in April and at Christmas we will divy up my parents' stuff.  Since the house is staying in the family no one has been in a hurry to do anything with it and it looks just like it did right after the funeral.  I'm sure I will cry when we start taking stuff out of there but we can't leave that house as a shrine to my parents and they certainly aren't coming back to use it.  I'm thankful that my siblings have all been agreeable in the process. The lawyer told me that I didn't know how lucky I was.  I've worked on a few cases involving estates and heirs that don't get along; I do know how lucky I am.
I am thankful for my parish.  I moved to the New Orleans area after college and not too long thereafter became involved in a singles group at that parish--even though I lived nowhere near it.  It was through that group that I met my husband.  We were married in that parish church (ugly as it was) and that is where my children have all received their sacraments.  One thing I do not like about my parish is its website.  One thing I hate is people who say "You ought to..." and think up work for others to do.  I volunteered to help re-do the website.  I'm not a design expert or an expert at putting up websites but obviously I've had one for a long time and I don't think I'm bragging when I say it looks better than what my parish has now.  My pastor accepted my offer and we are hoping to get something up soon.
I am thankful for the wonderful Thanksgiving dinner we had today, and grateful that I didn't have to think about cost when buying the food.  We had turkey, Stovetop Stuffing (my son's request), Praline Sweet Potatos, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Green Beans, Salad and Blueberry Dessert.  Here is the recipe for the dessert:  Make a graham craker crust per the directions on the box, or buy a graham cracker crust.  These proportions are for an 8x8 pan or a piecrust.  Double for 13x9.  Beat together 8oz of creme cheese (you can use the low or no fat versions), 8oz of whipping cream (or use cool whip) and 1/4 cup powdered sugar until combined and fluffy.  Pour over crust.  Top with blueberry pie filling.  Freeze until firm. 

I am thankful for you, my readers.  I know I ignore all the standard advice to find a clear focus for my blog and to stick with it.  Yes, I'm a Catholic blogger, and I review Catholic books, but I review a lot of books that have nothing to do with faith.  Yes, I'm a mom, and I do post about my kids, but not a lot.  That gets harder as the kids get older.  If I try to write about the kids I find my self bragging (nothing wrong with a little of that but listening to other people brag about thier kids gets old fast), or telling cute stories (cute to me, embarrasing for the kid), or complaining about them (and what kid wants his/her friends finding that online).  So, no, I'm not a "Mommy Blogger" but I do enjoy showing off the darlings periodically.  I've been writing about finance lately, particularly about my experience with a new-to-me type of investment, peer-to-peer lending but I'm certainly not a finace blogger (though I may start such a blog--I'm drafting one).  Anyway, thanks for reading and for your comments.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving, Ruth! I love your list and I love the photo of you and your beautiful family. So grateful to have met you through this wonderful blogworld!

    1. Glad to have met you too Holly!


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