Saturday, March 21, 2015

Sunday Snippets--Final Edition

Hello, and welcome to Sunday Snippets--A Catholic Carnival. We are a group of Catholic bloggers who gather weekly to share our best posts with each other. To participate, go to your blog and create a post titled Sunday Snippets--A Catholic Carnival. In it, discuss and link to your posts for  the week--whether they deal with theology, Catholic living or cute Catholic kids. I'm mostly a book blogger so my posts are generally book reviews, some Catholic, some not. Make sure that post links back here. Once you publish it, come back here and leave a link below.

Well folks, there gets to be a time when you have to decide something has run its course.  I think Sunday Snippets has run its course.  I started Sunday Snippets when the old Catholic Carnival folded because the organizer didn't want to do it anymore.  There was no other major gathering of Catholic bloggers and I hoped to make this such a place.  Via this link-up, I've met some terrific bloggers and learned a lot about the Catholic blog world.  However, our numbers are getting fewer each week and frankly, I don't have the desire I once did to contact new bloggers and invite them to join.  There is a new(ish) (if they are new than us, they are new, right) group called Catholic Bloggers Network which is doing what I set out to do years ago.  They give Catholic bloggers a place to network with each other, and since they are a large group, I'd say they are more successful than this link-up has been.  Click here to join them.    I hope to see you all there and I appreciate you all linking up here all these years.  I'm sure my stats will go down by shutting this down, but honestly, I'm ready to move on.  

I published two book reviews this week.  One is a double-threaded story, and a clean romance.  The other is a general market romance. 


  1. Thank you so much, RAnn, for Sunday Snippets. May God bless you for all the years of generous service hosting all of us.
    You are a gem. Blessings on your head!

  2. I totally get it. I don't blog much at all lately; I just got too busy with life to write especially since it's not my favorite activity.

  3. Thanks for hosting so faithfully for so long, RAnn! I will continue to follow this blog.

  4. Thank you so much for hosting this site Rand. If it is any consolation, I have had great feedback and met some new friends as a direct result of Sunday Snippets!
    Thanks again, and I will also continue to visit your blog.

  5. 'Twas a great gig.

  6. Sundays won't be the same.

  7. A few things of a religious nature are ending (or have ended) for me lately, a couple of Bible studies and now this. The homily this evening was about God providing things only for a time as needed, like the manna in the wilderness. When it is time to move on, God withdraws the blessing. (I half-expected the pastor to conclude his homily with a brief note of resignation. Well, there's always time for that, maybe after Easter.)

    They added me up on the Catholic Bloggers Network Facebook page - good suggestion, RAnn - so, onward and onward. Cheerio

  8. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Thanks for hosting. I will miss participating.

  9. I too have been immensely blessed through my participation here. I agree with Christian that Sundays will not be the same.God bless you and your future endeavors.


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