Saturday, October 13, 2012

Sunday Snippets--A Catholic Carnival

Hello, and welcome to Sunday Snippets--A Catholic Carnival. We are a group of Catholic bloggers who gather weekly to share our best posts with each other. To participate, go to your blog and create a post titled Sunday Snippets--A Catholic Carnival. In it, discuss and link to your posts for the week--whether they deal with theology, Catholic living or cute Catholic kids. I'm mostly a book blogger so my posts are generally book reviews, some Catholic, some not. Make sure that post links back here. Once you publish it, come back here and leave a link below.

We also have a yahoogroup; signing up for it will get you one weekly reminder to post.  Click here to sign up.  

Not much blogging this week.  I reviewed a sweet Christmas story about a handicapped young man  and republished a review of Fr. Barron's Catholicism (for credit toward products).  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. This week, I posted art and music of St. Hidegard of Bingen and also posted some thoughts about Rabbi Kushner, author of Why Bad Things Happen to Good People.

  2. Thank you RAnn for being our host once again.

    Did lots of posting, but I'm especially celebrating the anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun, Oct. 13, 1917!

  3. I am starting to feel at home; it is nice to know that I do not have to justify my beliefs on this forum!
    My two submissions are
    Prayer Is Never Having To Say Good-bye
    The Wisdom of Mothers

    1. It's always nice to make new friends!

  4. Some kids Already Know About the Bible.

  5. This week I talked about harvesting persimmons, the Pope's words at the candlelight procession on October 11, the two new doctors of the Church, and comments on a short pro-life ad.

    Thanks for hosting RAnn. I'm heading over to read your catechism review.

  6. This week i try to explain what really happened with Galileo and his excommunication.

    1. Glad you decided to join us!

  7. Two posts this week on TV for Catholics: one a quick hits and misses post on Fall tv, and the other a review of CBS' "Elementary."

    Thanks for reading!

  8. I hope I did this right, RAnn. Thank you again for the invitation.

    God Bless Everyone!

  9. Thank you for hosting, RAnn.

    I have a series of posts now on my experience at a Bible Workshop sponsored by World Reformed Fellowship held this past weekend in Eastern PA.


  10. I am sorry I just saw your comment on my blog. I wish I saw it yesterday please accept my appolgy. I would love to be a part of this.


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