I'm having fun writing these posts; this is the fifth one I've written today. I've been in kind of a blogging funk for quite a while and these prompts seem to be just what I need to get me writing again. Why don't you join in the fun and link up over at This Day Has Great Potential. You can play every day or just some. Today's prompt is "10" and since I'm mostly a book blogger, I thought I'd take this time to list ten books I'd recommend:
You can read my review here, Inside the O'Briens is about a family that carries the gene for Huntington's Disease, a progressive neuromuscular disease in which those who have it gradually lost control of all their muscles. If a parent has it (the signs don't manifest until middle age), the children have a 50% chance of having it too.

My review. A romance, and more. Mental illness and its effect on family are forefront.

My review. A series romance set at a bed and breakfast, yet it is far more than that.

A beautifully written book that reminds us that when we speak in God's name, people judge God by what they see in us. My review.
Another story about Huntington's Disease. My review.

A former child star is hiding from the media. The story explores love in its many forms. My review.

Going deeper into the story we all know. My review.

Learning about love and identity. My review.
Sometimes prisons aren't physical structures. My review

It is amazing the things a woman with Down Syndrome taught her family. My review.
I would like to read the Things Lily Knew. Loved your review and thought provoking question! Thanks for the recommendation.