Beach Glass
About the Book:
Finding love means taking risks, letting go, and believing in second chances . . .
A devastating break-up—
Yes, I’m ready to be your wife after five years together. I’m ready to marry you, to do laundry together, to have kids with you and wake up in the middle of the night when they cry, and try to find time for sex, and laugh about it when we can’t. I’m ready for all of it, Daniel.
Katy McNamara is ready, but Daniel, her devoted but commitment-wary boyfriend, isn’t. When her thirtieth birthday comes and goes without a marriage proposal, she leaves the dull safety of an east coast freelance job for an assignment in Costa Rica, hoping the distraction of writing about yoga and surfing in a tropical paradise will help her heal.
Enter Carson Richardson—tanned, tall, and handsome, a world-class surfer who also happens to be smart, wealthy, and a very nice guy.
A breathtaking new love—
Carson the surf god teaches me how to ride the waves. Carson sits with me on a surfboard, and we kiss as the sun sets behind us. Carson looks on with approval as I send a postcard home with one sentence that reads: I’m not coming back.
Loving Carson opens a world of adventure for Katy, though the dangers of his sport always lurk at the edges of their happiness. If the unthinkable happens, will the fantasy be enough?
Falling in love means trusting, hoping, sharing—and learning to live for today. Falling in love means realizing that life is as fragile and as beautiful as beach glass.
My Comments:
Who are you? To what extent are you the person you are perceived to be, and to what extent are you something else? Put another way, can you choose to be someone else by acting like someone else? In some ways that is what Katy does in this book. After realizing that the boyfriend she has had for five years doesn't want marriage and children (gee, it took her five years to figure that out?), Katy heads to Costa Rica to work on a story. She is "undercover" so she calls herself Kate and starts doing things she would never do. While there, she falls in love, but Carson isn't who he seems to be.
I guess I'me getting old, but like I said in the first paragraph, it took her five years to figure out that Daniel wasn't marriage material? I saw red flags galore when it came to Carson but as the story evolved, whether Katy saw those flags or how she dealt with them turned out to be irrelevant. Still I enjoyed watching Katy take control of her life and become who she wanted to be.
By the end of the book a lot of the characters had changed, for the better and Katy got her happily ever after.
I did not like how much of the book took place in the bedroom and had to wonder if the characters would have had the problems they did if they had gotten to know each other outside the bedroom as well as they did in it.
I'd like to thank the publisher for making a review copy available via NetGalley. Grade: B.