My review
rating: 3 of 5 stars
I don't usually read murder mysteries, but I've been working my way through Emilie Richards' books and this one came up on bookmooch so I grabbed it. The main character is the wife of the pastor of a Unitarian church in a small Ohio town. One day a naked dead woman is dumped on her doorstep. The pastor is the last one to have spoken to her while she was alive. Little by little his wife is drawn into solving the mystery of who killed this woman and why, and in the end, she learns. As I said earlier, I don't usually read murder mysteries, so I don't have a lot to compare it with, but my guess is that this is on the lighter side of the genre. There are others in a series by the same author but I think I'll pass. However, if you want to read a murder mystery that does not contain profanity or excessive violence, you may like it.
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Thanks for the link to USA Learns. I will be passing it on to my ELL teacher and using it in my classroom. I have three non English speakers this year!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great site!
If anyone is wondering what in the world Janette is taking about, Resource shelf is one of the blogs linked on the sidebar, and they had a post on USA Learns, which probably displayed for a few hours today. Luckily Janette saw it. Resource shelf is a blog I read even before blogs were cool and I've bookmarked a lot of sites I've found through them, and use them regularly--and reading it regularly has made me aware of the types of information available, and the types of places to find it.