My review
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rating: 4 of 5 stars
Shadow of Colussus takes us into the life of Tessa, a courtesan and slave on the Island of Rhodes in the year 227 BC, the week before an earthquake that topples the Colossus. It is a story of political intrigue and the story of how a women who had taught herself to be as unfeeling as a statue learns to trust and love. The author adds a lot of historical detail--we learn about the interior of homes, the public baths and the aquaduct system and the religous practices of the people. My criticisms deal with the faith aspects of the book. Jewish characters refer to God as Yahweh and I know that is against their religion. Also one of the Jewish characters is an old man name Simeon. He tells Tessa that God has revealed that he will not die until he sees his Redeemer. Of course we don't know how old Simeon in the Bible was, but I don't think he was over 200 years old.
This is a First Wildcard book. Check back on November 30 to read the first chapter.
View all my reviews.
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