Saturday, June 11, 2011

Sunday Snippets--A Catholic Carnival

I'd like to welcome everyone to Sunday Snippets--A Catholic Carnival.  We are a group of Catholic bloggers who gather weekly to share our best posts with each other.  To particpate, go to your blog and create an entry titled Sunday Snippets--A Catholic Carnival.  In it, highlight one or more of your posts from the past week that you believe would be of interest to Catholic bloggers---whether they are posts reflecting on spiritual matters or posts about antics of Catholic kids, or anything in between.  Come back here and enter the URL of that post below.  Finally, go visit other participants, and leave comments!  If you want a weekly reminder to post, join our yahoogroup.

I have a Catholic book review this week.  Spirituality You Can Live With can give good structure to your prayer life for a month if you need  a little nudge.  Click here to read the review.  Since so many people are dealing with Autism these days, I'd like to recommend a book on Autism.    I reviewed a bunch of romances too, so feel free to look around while you are here.


  1. Hi RAnn, I can't believe it but this is the 64th week I've participated in Sunday Snippets. Thanks for hosting this every week.

  2. Thanks for hosting!

  3. How come I can't see anyone's links?

    It just says "X entries so far!! Add your link"


  4. Thanks for hosting! This week I wrote about a lunch time discussion that only happens when 100+ Catholics are gathered under 1 roof. Happy Pentecost everybody!!

  5. Thanks for hosting, RAnn!

    This week I posted a Youtube novena to the Holy Spirit, Domine Deus from Vivaldi's Gloria, a beautiful painting, Morkenkaffen (Morning Coffee) by Harald Slott Moller, a quote from JPII and a video from Celtic Woman.

  6. Thanks once again for hosting, RAnn.

    Enjoyed reading through your reviews as always!

    I made a facebook page for my blog and would love it it you would "like" my page. If you have a page, too, let me know and I'll "like" you back! Thanks!

  7. Thanks for the Autism review.

    This week I have another language post, this time on the relationship between English and French and the other Romance languages.

  8. Our 20th wedding anniversary, the movie Thor, and the absurdities of the homosexualist agenda...just some of what you will find in this week's posts.

    Thanks for hosting, RAnn!

  9. Kathleen, the chapters are 3-4 pages long. While they may contain a scripture quote or two, they are not interpretations of scripture. They are followed by 2-3 questions. For example, the chapter on the Trinity asks
    1. Think about the Trinity as a complete gift from one Person to the next. How does Christ model this in time? How can you be a gift to others?
    2. How has God revealed himself to you in what you see around you? How have you grown in your understanding of God because of this?

  10. Thank you so much for hosting week after week, RAnn!
    In this week's blog, I share an old commercial that I just discovered, tell about a rather rude question someone once asked me, talk about "Golden Ages", write about how people can sometimes be well-meaning, but make wrong choices, and, as always,
    publish my weekly reading list.

  11. Hi RAnn, thanks for doing this every week. It's a wonderful place to go and read spiritual and informational posts about Our Lord and faith! God Bless!

  12. This is a great idea, RAnn!


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