Saturday, June 20, 2009

Sunday Snippets--A Catholic Carnival

Welcome to all. Sunday Snippets--A Catholic Carnival is a chance for Catholic bloggers to share their best with other Catholic bloggers. To participate, go to your blog and create a post titled Sunday Snippets--A Catholic Carnival. In it, describe and link to one or more of your posts this week that have a least a little to do with Catholicism (even if you are just showing off the cute Catholic kid). Also, provide a link back to this post. Then, come over here and use Mr. Linky to give us a link to your post. Mr. Linky has been troubled lately, but he should be working properly this week, as he is on a new server now. Then, go visit other participants, and leave comments saying you visited.

Some who post infrequently have asked if they could use Mr. Linky to link directly to one of their posts. That's fine, but since part of the point of this is for us to share readers with each other, a link in your post back here would be appropriate.

Most of my posts this week were book reviews, and none were particularly Catholic, though you are invited to look around while you are here. I do invite you to a post which I hope generates some discussion about choice in reading material.

Thanks for joining us, and if you'd like a weekly reminder to participate in Sunday Snippets--A Catholic Carnival, join our yahoogroup.


  1. My first entry to this new Catholic Carnival style is from earlier in the week, but tomorrow is when it all plays out.

    Have a blessed weekend.

  2. Thanks again RAnn for hosting!

  3. Thanks, RAnn!
    Have a great week!

  4. This is my first carnival. Thanks for the invite and thanks for hosting!

    Pax Christi!

  5. Thanks to RAnn and have a good week, everyone!

  6. Thanks, RAnn. I'm getting my act together and linking back to you from my Snippets post now.

  7. Thanks RAnn for your usual excellent job.

    This week on Sunday Snippets, WBN presents From the Church to the World: Three vignettes that are at once personal and universal.

    One of these even earns the infamous Blynken Raspberry award.

    * Top Liturgist Post Goes To American
    * Apostolic Signatura Prefect Fisks Notre Dame
    * Heartless Couple Of Down Syndrome Baby Sue Doctor

  8. so, my first participation in Sunday Snippets is 2 days late - sorry about that. I was pleased to see that it was added anyway. Thanks, RAnn for hosting, and I'll try to be more punctual in the future. ;)


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